Chasing Voices returns for its 4th installment with an audacious reiteration of the project's uncompromising ethos and technique. 'Valley of the Dry Bones' operates on the peripheries of club music and far-sighted rock mutation, death march-disco for the ever-present sunburn of daily scourges and musical apathy. Prospering from plentiful sentimentally-tinged stabs and a breathtaking, slow-churning progressive disintegration, 'Valley Of the dry Bones' hits intuitively and suddenly, a bent and bruised anthem for problematic times. Despair can be celebrated, and celebration can be despairing---if anything the NYC collective's latest bomb seems to stem from a need to revive the cannibalism of a movement that has grown weary of its own cliches, to dissect itself and hopefully come out the other end better and new... albeit scarred and never quite the same
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