Black To Comm's Marc Richter returns under his Jemh Circs guise for a second album of sonic abstractions. In contrast to Black To Comm's analog tape- and vinyl-based sound, in Jemh Circs he works with digital sources by primarily sampling modern pop music (and various other oddities) on YouTube (et al.) and sending chunks of it through a variety of arcane transformations and mutations. Using similar esoteric methods as on his 2016 self-titled debut album but with very different results the record deconstructs the hypermodern sound of pop music with a post punk attitude, energy, and primitivism. Richter's combining disparate elements that shouldn't really work together but somehow all the chaos is making strange sense creating a collection of oddly diverging sonic vignettes with a surreal and anarchic spirit. This is music deeply rooted in the present but still difficult to pinpoint to a certain year or style. (Untitled) Kingdom converts a seemingly one-dimensional concept into a complex puzzle of ideas, sounds, and narratives; completely assimilating the original sources and transforming them into novel entities with an unexpected melodic and rhythmic quality.
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