All things come from and return to the same source; such is the theory of Monism, an ancient philosophy, but also accounting for the music of Jeroen Search. Dictated by an ethos of exclusively recording live takes and only ever editing while a tune is being created, each finished track is imbued with that unique magic of the moment. This is the nature of Monism, Search's first LP in over two decades of electronic explorations and personal as well as artistic growth. As with any of his music that has been released so far, the tracks on here hold a timeless quality, existing within their own frame of reference; that is their immediate experience. Across a carefully arranged course, the album naturally unravels its many ideas, ranging from moments of pensive ambient pieces to thick washes of dub echo and layers of modulated synths, all while providing an endless array of hypnotizing barebones grooves in the process. A true Figure mainstay, Search upholds his artistic relevancy without any reinventing or switching up the formula, rather by simply keeping true to his accomplished craft.
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