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julia reidy/morten joh-tape shadow cs (futura resistenza)

Price: $14.99


julia reidy/morten joh: tape shadow

A series of slow chords and gestures, doomed and endless, colored right between major and minor, vibes and guitar, rotating around each other like planets, resonating in an enormous space. Tape delay creating shadows and environments to swim around in. Titles evocative of tunings, playing styles, and improvisational strategies. Matter of fact collaboration between two searching musicians." (Koen Nutters) --- Julia Reidy makes music for acoustic and processed instruments, mostly guitars. Their recorded work can be described as a series of non-traditional song forms which combine unstable harmonic territories, rhythmic elasticity and abstract narrative over stretched, episodic forms. They have released several albums on labels such as Black Truffle and Editions Mego. Morten Joh is a Norwegian percussionist and producer, known from bands including MoHa!, N.M.O., Naaljos Ljom, and Splitter Orchester.

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