He is not so easy to find. One has to follow the kilometers of pipes down and along a labyrinth of corridors to enter the basement den of Romain Turzi. This once cavernous space has metamorphosed into a recording studio for the purpose of completing the trilogy begun with A (2007) and B. Closed off from the world, without natural light and water supply, but full of consoles, synthesizers, and old guitars, Turzi cocooned himself here to perfect his music and sonically construct the soundtrack that is C, with tracks named after nine types of birds, to glide in a treasure hunt through the complexities of his musical mind. Closed off from the world in a place where he could do only one thing -- make music -- Turzi was able to gain the greatest luxury: time. The time necessary to experiment and work on each tone; make musical discoveries and explore apparent accidents; use archaic samplers, with their 5¼-inch floppy disks full of aural triggers to those that have come before; use the striking images from F. W. Murnau's 1922 film Nosferatu to allow a fresh origin of sound exploration; and, of course, play loud, very loud -- the ultimate pleasure. Turzi has always been mesmerized by repetitive compositions, adventurous electronic music arrangements, the organic pulses of real drums, and the sensual attacks of an electric guitar. Early reviews attempted to categorize his style as krautrock, but Turzi knew that this genre, even coupled with psychedelia, was too simplistic as a musical label. He is open, and nothing is ruled out, and all manifests in his music, including the boogie of ZZ Top; linear and funky Hamilton Bohannon; an imaginary thread between Can and Fela; Alessandro Alessandroni as his definitive hero; a classical guitar theme from Heitor Villa-Lobos; Ennio Morricone and Angelo Badalamenti; love (yes, love, even if he invokes it in the manner of an old bluesman, with words creating their own meanings). Simply put, Turzi makes Turzi. Played by Louis Laurin: bass; François Desmoulin: snare drum, big drum, toms, cymbals, hi-hat; Judah Warsky: organs, sampler; Lori Shönberg: gyro, bongo, trumpet, clavinet; Clemens Hourrière: Fender IV guitar, EMS Synthi AKS modular synthesizer; Caroline Vallain: soprano; Mila Turzi: scream; Romain Turzi: guitars, E-mu Emulator II sampling keyboard, ACX Synth P-sequencer. Presented in metal-coated silver sleeve with black inner sleeve. Includes download code.
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