Pop Ambient, Kompakt's longest-running compilation series after Total, sees its 2017 installment. Features exclusive material from acclaimed genre veterans and series newcomers Jens-Uwe Beyer, Yui Onodera + Scanner, Max Würden, Leandro Fresco, Thore Pfeiffer, Kenneth James Gibson and Soulsavers remixed by Wolfgang Voigt. Following his own cues from preceding entries, Pop Ambient chief curator Voigt again strikes a perfect ratio of established producers and debuting guests. From Jens-Uwe Beyer's atmospheric soundscapes, to Thore Pfeiffer's glitch romance "Good Life", Leandro Fresco's beatific drone fests, as well as Kenneth James Gibson's melancholic epic "Her Flood Knocked Me To The Ground (But I Was Already There)". Other returning artists include Anton Kubikov of SCSI-9 fame (with electronic reverie "Dekka") and Cologne sound-smith Max Würden, who was last seen releasing wonderfully immersive albums on BineMusic and Wolfgang Voigt's very own Exponate series. His guitar-infused, dubbed-out cut "Fernfeld" and the mysterious electronic mantra "186.000 Miles Per Second" are particularly striking renditions of the rich sonic narratives possible in Pop Ambient. For the 2017 release, Kompakt welcome Tokyo-based Yui Onodera; a trained musician and architectural acoustic designer by trade, Onodera embeds diverse influences from traditional sound design, film scores, contemporary composition and electro-acoustic experimentation in his work, resulting in intricate drone sculptures and sound skylines. This skill set gels naturally with the sonic sensibilities of iconic experimental composer Scanner who teams up with Onodera for the cut "Locus Solus". Wolfgang Voigt himself makes an appearance as remixer, turning the track "Hal" from electronic-rock-gospel duo Soulsavers's 2015 album Kubrick into a voluptuous and immersive sound journey. It's the cherry on top of a particularly fluffy cake that will prove irresistible to any connoisseur of ambient music. 180gm vinyl/includes download.
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