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locrian & christoph heemann-s/t cd (handmade birds)

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locrian & christoph heemann: s/t

Locrian and Christoph Heemann, two of the most powerful forces in sound manipulation and experimental everything, (not in the pretentious sense, but in the honest to goodness there-will-be-textbooks-written-about-this pioneering of music), come together in what is one of the most landmark collections of musical composition ever put on record. A record created at a foreboding time, a time of record heat waves, severe storms, and flash droughts that have turned farms to dust in a matter of seasons. Upon writing this press release, recent news reports detail events such as the Petermann Glacier in the Arctic calving an ice island twice the size of Manhattan; the worst drought in over fifty years destroying American crops; and, in Japan, flooding so drastic that many areas have received a year's worth of rain in a weekend. We live in uncertain, uncomfortable times. Still, for many, the symptoms of our age are as out-of-sight, out-of-mind as the Pacific Ocean Trash Vortex, a mass of floating plastic debris larger than Texas. This divinatory release harkens of worlds to come. More than an album, Locrian and Christoph Heemann have created a hymn of our civilization

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