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mark mcguire-living with yourself lp (editions mego)

Price: $20.99


Mark McGuire operates chiefly as guitarist in the legendary Emeralds; however, he also has racked up an impressive set of solo releases over the last few years (albeit mainly in small- to micro- print runs). Living With Yourself is his new album and Editions Mego hope to meet any demand which may arise from this fine selection of modern crafted guitar tunes. Focusing on his family, early friendships and the problems that inevitably develop through years of knowing someone, it takes McGuire's sound even further out, and contains some of his most accomplished songs to-date. The opening track is a fine example of McGuire's magical technique of taking a lone acoustic guitar then transforming the track into bliss-out electro wash looping off into the distance. And tracks like "Clouds Rolling In" and "Brain Storm" take off where such McGuire classics as "The Marfa Lights" (which incidentally is planned for a future reissue) left off. While connoisseurs of his sound will find all they desire in here, many superb surprises await around every corner. These are songs that cruise, bubble and rise to the top.

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