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savage republic-varvakios cd (ltm)

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savage republic: varvakios

LTM is pleased to present Varvakios, the sixth studio album by acclaimed Los Angeles postpunk group Savage Republic. Recorded in Greece in February 2012 over the course of three hectic days, Varvakios is a sequel of sorts to their 1989 album Customs, and draws on local sights, sounds and synergies. On several tracks the band are joined on violin by Blaine L. Reininger of Tuxedomoon, himself a resident of downtown Athens. Says frontman Thom Fuhrmann: ‘To walk into such a volatile situation and create this music in such a short time was by far the most satisfying experience that I've ever had as an artist.’ The Republic: Formed by noted artist-designer Bruce Licher in 1981, and inspired equally by punk and Krautrock, Savage Republic went on to issue four studio albums between 1982 and 1989, most issued through their own Independent Project label. The band are particularly popular in Europe, and even grazed mainstream consciousness with an appearance on the soundtrack of Silence of the Lambs. The original band split in 1989, but re-formed twelve years later, releasing fifth album 1938 in 2007. A Best Of collection (Procession) was issued by LTM in 2010; the next SavageRepublic album Aegean is set for release in 2013.

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